For my sisters, my soulmates, my girlfriends, my besties, my tribe
When I don't
respond to your text or answer your call
or pick up your FaceTime
or follow through with our plans
or watch that funny video you sent
When I don't
listen to your voicemail or watch your Instagram story
or reply to your DM
or engage in our group text
or call you back in an hour
When I don't...
it's because my heart hurts
or I'm too emotionally exhausted to carry a conversation
or isolating myself is easier on my heart than seeing your sweet babies
or I can't stop crying
When I don't...
it's because I'm mourning the loss of our dream
or I'm comforting my husband who's having a bad day
or my phone is put away because being connected is too much right now
or I haven't washed my hair or put on makeup and I don't want to be seen
You still do.
You still text and call and FaceTime
and invite me to do things
and send me those funny videos
and leave me voicemails
and surprise me with my favorite coffee
and send me cards in the mail
and show up at my house
and don't give up on me
You may not understand the magnitude of what I'm feeling, but you understand the
magnitude of our friendship.